The Entity – Episode Five Cover Reveal

It feels like it’s been a long November, mostly because this is the start of the holiday season. As you can imagine, it’s been surreal to be working on a horror story when there are Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations and music everywhere!

I expect this to be up on Amazon tomorrow, so here’s the cover for Episode Five of The Entity.

Entity Episode Five Interior

This is the penultimate installment in the series, and it’s the longest entry so far. I’m making some last minute corrections where there are typos and inconsistencies, and then it will be submitted. One creepy anecdote from this episode is that while I was writing the seance scene in my room alone, my PS3 turned on by itself, and then my television followed. I was extremely creeped out…until my younger brother came into the room holding the spare PS3 controller. Turns out he was connected to my machine and it turned everything on when he pressed one of the buttons! I was completely chilled in the moment, though.

Hope you enjoy the cover! Look for an exclusive excerpt tomorrow along with a link to the episode.

Happy Monday!

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